Writing your rough draft – version 1

1. Introduction
Introduce your characters and setting.
a) Introduce your Main Character
b) Tell who the Main character lived with. (Friend Character)
c) Tell where they lived
d) Give the Main Character some special ability or trait, something that can help solve a problem later in the story. (For example, very good at singing or dancing or coloring, or very strong or clever.)

2. Departure
Give the Main Character a reason to go out on the adventure.
a) Your Friend Character will send your Main Character on a special errand someplace far away.
b) Tell where your Main character has to go and why.
c) What does the friend tell the Main character not to do on the way? (Don’t tell why.)

3. Travel
Describe the Main Character getting ready and leaving. What makes the Main Character do the thing he or she is not supposed to do.
a) Describe what the Main Character wears.
b) Describe what if anything, the Main Character will bring for supplies.
c) Make sure that the Main Character says goodbye to the friend.
d) Describe the travel. Is the MC walking, running, flying, slithering, hopping or swimming?
e) Your MC will reach a place along the way where there will be some troublemaker. This person will play some trick to get your MC to do what he or she is not supposed to do. Describe the place where they meet and what the troublemaker does.
f) Why does the MC fall for the trick?

4. Problem
Describe the trouble your MC gets into.
a) Remember that our stories are Non-violent and Original. Something scary might happen, but we won’t have our characters hurting each other.
b) Remember that we want the MC to be able to use his or her special skill to get out of trouble, so make sure that the problem doesn’t take that away. (For example, if his skill were singing, you wouldn’t make him lose his voice because then he couldn’t sing to get out of trouble.)
c) Does the MC get caught in a trap? Does a monster come? Maybe the MC gets turned into something.

5. Solution
Describe how the Main Character solves the problem.
a) Remember that we don’t use violence or weapons to solve problems.
b) Describe how the MC uses the special skill to solve the problem or to get out of trouble. Maybe the MC uses that special skill to call for help. Maybe the MC uses the skill to create a way out. Maybe it makes the Monster or troublemaker become friendly.

6. Safe
Describe the MC finally reaching the destination safely.
a) Here you can close the story. Tell how the MC felt when he or she finally reached the destination.
b) Did the MC tell anyone the story of what happened on the way.
c) Did the MC learn a lesson?